
Eye-catching graphic design and photography. Our talented team of designers will use their industry knowledge to create compelling and attractive graphics tailored to your target audience that compliment both the captions and your brand. Copy writing tailored to your brand personality. Our creative copy strategists ensure your brand personality is consistent across all channels. We tailor the content we write to align with your business’s goals, whether that be calling for immediate action or increasing brand awareness and credibility.
Is social media marketing right for you?

Climb To The Top

In order to maximize impact and help your business reach its goals, it is critical to understand that social media marketing must be executed in a specific way. It’s easy for a user to ignore or skip over an ad on social media even though this type of advertising is very common, so we can help you stand out and catch that user’s attention. 

For many social media sites including Facebook users are not in “search mode”, meaning they are not seeking to make a purchase at this point in time. Therefore, social media marketing is more effective at creating a previously nonexistent demand, rather than fulfilling an existing one. 

Social networks are chock full of colorful and interesting photos. In order to stand out to consumers, creating eye-catching design materials for your business is key. FDS Digital Marketing has a team of experienced designers ready to help you with any Graphic Design or Web Design you may require

Effective social media usage.

The nature of social media gives it several advantages over more traditional forms of advertising, including:

Low cost, high opportunity. An important benefit of social media is that it is free to join. Though most social media networks offer paid promotions for businesses, it is still incredibly cost effective to advertise on social platforms when these other factors are taken into consideration.


Reach advantage. Of over 4.5 billion Internet users all over the world, 3.8 billion are also social media users. Not only does social media allow you to reach larger and more diverse markets, it can also connect you with very specific niche audiences, making you more likely to find the perfect consumer for your product or service.


User trendsAccording to Forbes, 78% of users reported that their purchasing decisions were influenced by brands they followed on social media. Additionally, 72% of users reported they were more likely to stay engaged with brands they liked that maintained an active social media presence.